Beyond Words VR to help integrate new students

Beyond Words VR to help integrate new students


The Liceo Scientifico "Ettore Majorana" is an Italian high school with over 2,300 students preparing for the scientific BAC every year. As part of the welcoming process for new arrivals, those in charge of Erasmus projects at the school asked for an accelerated integration program to enable students to participate quickly in class activities, as well as experience their term abroad to the full.


We have therefore created for them :

- A school integration course in which allophone students experience their first day at school in a guided mode. They discover key words and people to talk to at school through playful dialogues.

- A selection of 50 exercises for beginner students of Italian, asking them to introduce themselves, make connections with classmates and understand the stages of a week in the classroom.

To launch the project, we came along to run a project launch workshop for teachers and students.


The Liceo Majorana team carried out a test on a group of 30 students. The students were able to follow the courses without too much difficulty in 2 weeks, whereas before the test, the estimated average time to follow a class with ease was 3 weeks.

The course will be distributed annually to new arrivals, and the test will be extended to 200 users.