Prices and CSR

Every day, Beyond Words strives to implement responsible and sustainable practices that transcend our core business.
Our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is testament to our determination to create a better future for everyone.
This commitment, along with our innovative approach, has also won us awards and recognition in France and abroad.

CSR commitments

Equal Pay: Fairness at Work

Pay inequality is a persistent problem in many sectors. At Beyond Words, we firmly believe that quality work deserves fair pay, regardless of gender. That's why we're committed to ensuring equal pay for all our employees.
We regularly evaluate our salary structures to ensure full transparency and fairness.

Supporting Women: Practical Solutions for Expenses

Recognizing the unique challenges faced by women, particularly when it comes to personal and family expenses, we have put in place specific initiatives to support them. Whether it's financial assistance programs, flexible work schedules or other support measures, our goal is to ensure that every woman on our team feels valued and supported in every aspect of her life.

Alignment with UN goals

We are proud to announce that our CSR commitment is in line with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With our pricing policy, we contribute to the "Quality Education" and "Equal Accessibility" axes.

Prizes and Awards

Join us in our mission to build a fair and responsible business world.

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